Just Us

A glimpse into our daily lives as we go through our adoption journey . . . Eric: the husband, the daddy, the Senior Buyer, the wise one, the king of patience, the man of the outdoors, the funny guy . . . Laura: the wife, the mom, the educator, the reader, the organizer, the yoga practicer, the blogger . . . Kyler: the son, the older brother, the Second grader, the thinker, the soccer player, the writer and artist, the Lego builder . . . Kacin: the son, the younger brother, the First grader, the swimmer, the comedian, the car expert, the cuddler . . . us.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving in Pictures

Eric is thankful for . . .
 Dr. Pepper because it's gooood.
 Heater to keep us warm
 Books and Teddy Roosevelt because I've learned so much from both.
 My scriptures because I feel good when I read them.
 Laura is thankful for . . .
windows to look through and see the pretty snow while I stay warm inside
 The piano to learn how to play beautiful music someday
 Our soft cozy bed.
 The space heater in my bathroom.
 My yoga mat to exercise so that now I can touch my toes.
 Kacin is thankful for . . .
my family because I like them.
 my books because I can read them sometimes.
 My play phone so I can play with it.
 My backpack to carry toys when I go on trips and stuff.
 My bed so I can sleep all night.
 Kyler is thankful for . . .
the piano because I am learning how to play it.
I can play the black keys, too!
 myself because I can build lots of lego sets.
 school because I learn math and that 6+6=12.
 Silly bands because I like to wear them and I am practicing so I can wear them to school without playing with them.
 KING 5 News so then I know what the weather is.
 The snow so I can play in it and maybe have a snowball fight.
And Kyler,
who had a really hard time narrowing it down to just five pictures,
slid by with six,
and wanted to add that he is thankful for our family! (me too!!)

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